10940 Montana – Office – Schedule your showing

Take advantage of this great office location on Montana. It is ideal for an owner occupied investor that wants to relocate or expand operations to the moving and shaking part of town.Beautifully upgraded with unique features. This office is great for attorneys, contractors, real estate office, architects, doctors, lawyers and such.Please call Lety at (915) 300-78-98 with 24 hours advance for an appointment.Some of the features and layout specifics include:Front desk with waiting area, 8 office spaces, 4 bathrooms, 2 file and computer rooms, 4 attic spaces for office files, 11 parking spaces, 5 with car pad. Lunch room, speaker system, fans, 2 emergency exists, 2 sheds in the back.Office can be broken up into 2 separate areas.Immediate access to Montana, near Lee Trevino.Lots of shade porches and an exclusive outdoor sign. Lots more extras to mention here.






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